Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) is for people who have prediabetes and want to prevent developing type 2 diabetes. It is a community-based, lifestyle change program. The topics include eating healthier, reducing stress and getting more physical activity.
Audience: People with prediabetes and meet these requirements:
- 18 years or older.
- Have a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or higher (23 or higher if Asian American).
- Not be previously diagnosed with type 1 or type 2 diabetes.
- Not be pregnant at time of enrollment.
- No end-stage renal disease (ESRD).
- Never participated in Medicare DPP previously.
Meet one of these requirements:
- Received a high-risk result (score of 5 or higher) on the Prediabetes Risk Test.
- Had a blood test result in the prediabetes range within 12 months of the first session (includes any of these tests and results):
- Hemoglobin A1C: 5.7–6.4%.
- Fasting plasma glucose: 100–125 mg/dL.
- Two-hour plasma glucose (after a 75 g glucose load): 140–199 mg/dL.
- Be previously diagnosed with gestational diabetes (allowed for CDC recognition and may be self-reported; not allowed for Medicare DPP participants).
Learn more about the National Diabetes Prevention Program on the CDC website.
Class Requirements
Modes of Delivery
- In-person
- Online via Zoom, also known as Distance Learning (available during public health emergency)
12-Month Program
- Months 1–6 (weeks 1–26) – Sixteen 1-hour core sessions
- Months 7 – 12 – Monthly 1-hour sessions
- 1 leader
- Requires 12 hours or a 2-day training
- Leaders must teach 1 class per year to maintain program certification
- Lifestyle Coaches should also complete at least 2 hours of Advanced Coach Training each year.
- Training entities that provide formal training to a CDC-approved curriculum and Advanced Coach Training opportunities are listed on the National DPP Customer Service Center and
- Diabetes Training and Technical Assistance Center at Emory University (helpful overview of the Diabetes Training and Technical Assistance Center at Emory University, and discusses steps to become Master Trained)
- Reach out to your Juniper Provider Relationship Manager for further training suggestions.
- CDC-approved National DPP curriculum
- Flipchart
- Easels
- Sharpies
- Name tents for participants
- Recommended 8-15 participants in class
- Juniper’s average number of participants enrolled in class: 7
- Juniper’s average completion rate: 73%
- Completer: 11 out of 16 core classes
Special Requirements
For classes hosted via online video conference:
- Participants need to have audio and visual capability
- Leader must use HIPAA-compliant platform, Zoom